Tips to Avoid Weight Gain During the Christmas Festivities

It’s the Christmas season and we all know what it means. Parties almost every day! And where there’s a party, or any congregation of people, there will be food served.

And it’s all about the temptation that we worry about, because it will lead to the added pounds that will be carrying come January. That’s the reason why gym memberships go up at the start of the new year, with all the New Year resolutions being made which often include losing weight.

We all know how difficult it can be to lose those extra pounds. That is why the best way to deal with this soon-to-be problem is to avoid those pounds in the first place.

Here are some of the things you can do to avoid  weight gain during Christmas

Do not go to all the parties.

I know this can be harsh and it can be difficult at times to say no to family and friends when they invite you over. But you do not have to go to each and every Christmas party that you’ve been invited to. Sometimes you don’t even have to attend your own office party (but you’ll risk being the topic of the chit chat on that day)!

Where there’s a party you can be sure food and alcohol will be abundant. You certainly don’t want all those temptations right before your eyes. If you can’t resist food when it’s just within your reach, then sadly you just might need to miss some parties.

It’s harsh, I know, but it can be a necessity.

Learn to manage your stress.

Why you might ask? That’s because when we are too stressed out, mainly due to work, we often find comfort in eating. And when your stress is really too much, then you will need a lot of comfort food to get over it. The result will be a lot of unwanted pounds that you will be lugging around come the new year. You do not want that to happen.

So how can you manage your stress? There are so many ways to do it without the need to stuff yourself with food. You can try yoga. You can get a massage. You can watch a funny film or read a book. Just be creative with it and I am sure you will find one method that will work for you.

Watch your portion sizes.

There is simply no escaping food, I’ll give you that. There’s a party or gathering you will eventually have to attend. So when you’re sitting down and looking at plates upon plates of yummy, tasty dishes then the only thing you can do is to enjoy yourself by eating.

And here’s the big but: you must always mind your portion sizes. Do not eat like there’s no tomorrow! You don’t need a big serving of pasta or three slices of pizza. In most instances you don’t even need dessert.

Also, learn to stop eating when you’re already full. So listen more to your stomach than from your cravings.

The bottom line.

You do not have to gain a lot of pounds because of this festive season. But you can only do that if you can do some self control and planning so you can still enjoy Christmas without the guilt. And the weight gain.

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