Five Simple Ways to Maintain Your Fat-Free Figure
Losing weight is quite easy for most moms who are determined to shed the extra pounds they gained during their pregnancy. What's difficult for them is keeping a fat-free body as it includes disciplining your mind and body not only to exercise but also to make healthy options whenever choices are to be made.
Here are four things which I try to observe in my quest for a totally fat-free body. Take a read and adapt whichever might work for your lifestyle or fitness goals.
1) Keep yourself hydrated. Apart from keeping the body hydrated, water helps the body to continue burning unwanted fats. Medical experts and fitness trainers agree to the many health and fat-burning benefits of drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Every chemical reaction happening in your body needs water. If you're slightly dehydrated during the day, you can't expect your entire body to function well. Practice drinking water before and while eating. This will help you feel full and cut your cravings for extra calories.
2) Drink tea instead of coffee. Tea, specifically matcha tea, has more anti-oxidants and hunger-quelling hormones compared to coffee. If you can take the taste of coffee as it is, you can add some almonds or soya milk on it to improve the taste. It is best to mix all these with hot water so you will feel awake and energized before hitting the gym to workout.
3) Trim your midsection through circuit resistance training. Cardio exercises can only do so much when it comes to burning. Engage in a high-intensity circuit training which will discipline your entire body to lose fat overall and not just on certain spots. Burpees, crunches, jump squats, mountain climbers, fast push-ups, sprinting are great examples of this. Do twenty minutes of cardio and twenty minutes of circuit resistance training consistently to see the difference in your body.
4) Keep a diary of what you eat daily. This will help you become more aware of what you eat during the day and how much you're eating - including mindless munching while you're working. Food journals can also reveal the patterns that lead to overeating.
Here are four things which I try to observe in my quest for a totally fat-free body. Take a read and adapt whichever might work for your lifestyle or fitness goals.
1) Keep yourself hydrated. Apart from keeping the body hydrated, water helps the body to continue burning unwanted fats. Medical experts and fitness trainers agree to the many health and fat-burning benefits of drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Every chemical reaction happening in your body needs water. If you're slightly dehydrated during the day, you can't expect your entire body to function well. Practice drinking water before and while eating. This will help you feel full and cut your cravings for extra calories.
2) Drink tea instead of coffee. Tea, specifically matcha tea, has more anti-oxidants and hunger-quelling hormones compared to coffee. If you can take the taste of coffee as it is, you can add some almonds or soya milk on it to improve the taste. It is best to mix all these with hot water so you will feel awake and energized before hitting the gym to workout.
3) Trim your midsection through circuit resistance training. Cardio exercises can only do so much when it comes to burning. Engage in a high-intensity circuit training which will discipline your entire body to lose fat overall and not just on certain spots. Burpees, crunches, jump squats, mountain climbers, fast push-ups, sprinting are great examples of this. Do twenty minutes of cardio and twenty minutes of circuit resistance training consistently to see the difference in your body.
4) Keep a diary of what you eat daily. This will help you become more aware of what you eat during the day and how much you're eating - including mindless munching while you're working. Food journals can also reveal the patterns that lead to overeating.