Teens and Sex: Discussing Abstinence and Contraception with Your Teenager
Many parents don't want to recognize the fact that their teenagers are having sex as soon as they reach high school. There could be two reasons for this - they're not ready to accept that their kids are no longer babies and innocent about sex; and they don't know how to have an open discussion about sex with their children. This scenario can put many teenagers into potential risks of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
Although we're now in the modern times, it is not late for parents to encourage their children to abstain from sex. As a parent, you may ask to your teenager to observe abstinence until she gets married or until she's mature enough to handle sexual relations appropriately and the repercussions of sex. Explain to her why you think this way. Who knows, she might adapt your beliefs and values about sex. Here are some points you can highlight during your discussion:
Although we're now in the modern times, it is not late for parents to encourage their children to abstain from sex. As a parent, you may ask to your teenager to observe abstinence until she gets married or until she's mature enough to handle sexual relations appropriately and the repercussions of sex. Explain to her why you think this way. Who knows, she might adapt your beliefs and values about sex. Here are some points you can highlight during your discussion:
- Sex is risky for teenagers.
- You can express your special feelings for someone without sex.
- Abstaining from sex (anal, oral, vaginal) will keep you from acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and infections and from getting pregnant.
- Abstaining from sex will keep you safe from emotional stress and focused on your academic and life goals.
Even though your teenager decides not to have sex, it is still important that she knows about contraception. First of all, you might want to stress the importance of using condoms during sex. Besides preventing pregnancies, condom usage can keep you safe from sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Secondly, discuss the contraceptive options available in the market - intrauterine devices, contraceptive implants, birth control pills, contraceptive injection, emergency birth control etc. Lastly, discuss the natural family planning methods. Families who don't believe in the use of contraceptives use these methods to prevent pregnancies. Abstaining from sex during a woman's most fertile days is the most famous of these methods.