Raw Food Diet - The Art Of Losing Weight

Raw food diet is not a new concept in the world of weight loss. In fact, many people in the ancient times have embraced this kind of diet in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, this diet encourages its practitioners to eat  and NOT not to eat.

The Entire Process

If you have grown tired of going to the gym to sweat out those extra fats in your body, eating raw food could be the best option that you must try. It does not require much time on your part only the discipline to adhere to a diet that is rich in fiber and water.

Plants are the main sources of food for this eating program. Plants are known to be excellent in storing water in their bodies. Because of this, eating plant foods allows your stomach to be filled up easily even in small portions. Thus, dieticians say there would be no overeating.

Most of us are used to eating cooked meat and vegetables which we think do our bodies good because of the calories they contain. While this may be true, they contribute unnecessary fats as well which may be hard for our system to burn. With the raw food menu, this can never happen because it holds less calories but more nutrients.

Another practice that we commonly have is eating junk foods. When we are hungry, we think that consuming them can contain our hunger easily. The truth is, their saturated fats robs our bodies of the essential nutrients that keep us from feeling hungry for long hours. Instead of eating less, we tend to eat more. The bad thing is the type of fat they release is difficult for our system to dissolve and so it might require much effort on our part to lose weight. This is something raw food does not allow.

The Preparation

Plant foods are the basic components of a raw food diet plan. These are fruits vegetables, nuts, legumes, beans, sprouts and fruit and vegetable juices too. They can also be cooked with some herbs and spices in low heat.

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